Get Listed!

As Alston gets ready to fully re-open, we’re looking at ways of making the shopping areas safe for residents and visitors alike. We have access to some EU funding to support this.

There are a number of measures being developed, one of which is this online resource that will list all Alston Moor shops, food and drink outlets, attractions and services.

A QR code will be linked to this, so visitors can scan their smartphones from signage/leaflets to be taken straight to the page when they are planning a trip, or when they arrive here.

There’s no charge to be listed, and all you need to do is supply the initial content for your business. by filling in this form.

Thanks. We look forward to making Alston Moor a successful and safe place to live and visit.

Please retype your email address in this box.

A brief (up to 20 word) description of what your business does

What measures have you put in place to manage the risk of Covid-19? e.g. restricted numbers, provided sanitiser, staff have face coverings, extra cleaning regimes etc.

What must customers do when visiting your business to be Covid-Safe e.g. Sanitise hands on entry, follow one way system…

I agree to my information about my business being used on the Alston Moor Covid Guide website

Your listing

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Your page will look like this page, but instead of the form on the left/above your information will be here and linked via the main page/QR code.

Happy Trading.

Alston Moor Online Guide